Jobs and skills

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If you've lost your job due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), you can search for current job opportunities on .

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Applying for jobs

Get help and advice on how to apply for jobs, including tips on creating a CV, filling in job application forms and preparing for interviews.

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Find information and advice on all your career options, including interactive tools to get career options based on your skills and interests, training and learning opportunities and where to get personal careers advice.

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If you've lost your job, find information on your rights, redundancy pays and how to cope with redundancy.

Extra help starting or staying in work

Find information on work schemes, and financial support to help you start or stay in work including work experience and work schemes if you have a disability or health condition … read more

Learn and train

Whether you're just starting out, want to train to work in a different sector, learn new skills or improve the skills and knowledge you already have, there are a number of training and education options available … read more

Finding a job

Sometimes the hardest part of finding a job is knowing where to look. Job opportunities are available on the internet, Jobs and Benefits Offices, recruitment agencies and more … read more

Unclaimed benefits

To make sure you're getting all the benefits, services and supports you're entitled to, make the call on freephone 0800 232 1271 … read more