San diego county family childcare association application

You sign up with CDA

A friendly team member will ensure your enrollment into the program is simple and easy!

Step 4

Child Care Begins

The child begins care at your facility

Step 5

You Invoice CDA

You provide a copy of the child’s attendance record to CDA for child care reimbursement

Step 6


CDA reimburses you monthly on the parent’s behalf

CDA Makes Providers Happy

“I would like to take this time to state how well organized and helpful I feel the process was for me to qualify as a provider there at the Bonita Office. The staff there seems very knowledgeable about the process and what to do. The attitude and patience was very noticeable as well. They were all very nice, patient and no unnecessary attitudes that I observe. I feel very comfortable coming in for assistance or calling for help. Thank you so much for your professionalism!”

– Alternative Payment Program Provider

Want To Reach More Parents?

Take advantage of the easiest way to help your community and strengthen your business. Get involved by asking families in need if they’ve heard of us and direct them to our website to find out more. By participating in CDA’s Alternative Payment Program, you can assure eligible families receive quality care without risking your bottom line.

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CDA Reimbursement Schedule
Family is authorized with a variable schedule

Variable schedules are reimbursed for the actual care hours provided that are within the hours authorized. The reimbursement will not exceed the amount billed by the provider or the full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) RMRC listed on the certificate for child care services. CDA will not reimburse for child absences, provider holiday or closure days on a variable schedule. If the full billed/invoiced amount is not paid, the parent is responsible for the difference directly to the provider.

Reimbursement of provider non-operation days/holidays

The number of reimbursable provider holidays and/or non-operation days is limited to a maximum of 10 days per fiscal year. Once these allowable limits are exceeded, reimbursement will be prorated for future closure days.

Reimbursement of registration fees, material fees, insurance fees

Fees for registration, material and/or insurance may be reimbursed if the current reimbursement amount does not exceed the Regional Market Rate Ceiling (RMRC). Reimbursement of these fees is limited to one (1) per child, per fiscal year and will be made in a single payment when requested on the child’s attendance record.

Note: For providers with programs that have multiple fees in one year or where it has been determined that the reimbursement amount exceeds the RMRC, the excess fees will be the responsibility of the parent.

License-Exempt Providers

When child care is authorized for a total of 25 or more hours per week the Full Time Weekly RMRC will be used. When child care is authorized for a total of less than 25 hours per week the Part Time RMRC will be used.