In April 1987, nearly 75% of voters in Elk Grove Unified School District approved a $70,000,000 bond to help finance schools and related facilities. By approving this measure, the voters authorized District administrators to sell bonds and agreed to a Mello-Roos special property tax assessment for repayment of the bond debt. In March 1998, an additional $205,000,000 bond amount was approved by more than 80% of voters. The current rate and method of assessing the special tax is available here .
The special tax is levied against all taxable land within the District until all of the Mello-Roos bond debt has been repaid. Residents of the District who are at least 65 years of age or disabled have the option of applying annually for a 70% reduction in the amount of the special tax.
For more information on the EGUSD Mello-Roos tax, please refer to the Mello-Roos Tax FAQs. Senior Citizens/Disabled Persons Tax Reduction Information Senior Citizens/Disabled Persons Tax Reduction InformationSenior citizens or disabled persons may apply for a 70% tax reduction of the Elk Grove Unified School District’s Mello-Roos Tax (levy #0155).
In order to qualify for the reduction, a person who is at least 65 years of age or fully-disabled must occupy the home, and there can be no school age children residing there. New applications and the required annual renewal of existing applications will be processed April 15th – June 30th each year.
For new applicants: You may request to have an application for this tax reduction mailed to you, or a copy of the application may be downloaded here. Note: Please keep a copy for your records.
For those currently receiving this reduction: Each year in April, a courtesy reminder notice will be mailed to individuals who are eligible to renew their reduction. Once this reminder letter is received, reductions may be renewed by phone at (916) 686-7562, by email at, or by mailing the renewal form to:
Elk Grove Unified School District
Robert Trigg Education Center
Facilities & Planning
9510 Elk Grove Florin Road, Room 206
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 686-7711
If you have questions, please call the Mello-Roos Tax Information Telephone Line at (916) 686-7562 or send an email to
Storm Water Management Storm Water ManagementThe District has a Storm Water management program that complies with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Storm Water Management Program seeks to reduce the dumping of water from school sites into streams, lakes and rivers within the District. For more information, see the EGUSD Storm Water Post-Construction Standards Manual.
The District’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program supports staff, parents and students in their efforts to increase safe walking and biking at individual school sites. EGUSD has promoted SRTS since 2002. Today, all EGUSD elementary schools celebrate Walk to School Day on the first Wednesday in October each year. Many other schools organize SRTS programs throughout the year like walking school buses, remote drop-off, bike rodeos, and bike helmet safety education.
Educational Specifications Educational SpecificationsHigh quality educational instruction results from many interdependent factors. One of those factors is the design and functionality of the facilities in which learning and teaching occurs. Elk Grove Unified School District is committed to providing school facilities that meet the demands of 21st century learning, preparing successful college- and career-ready graduates.
In addition to continually identifying the need for new school construction, EGUSD is engaged in a comprehensive effort to renovate and modernize its schools. In recent years, a significant foundation for this effort has been laid with the 2015-2025 Facilities Master Plan Update and the passage of the Measure M general obligation bond measure. To further guide this work, Educational Specifications have been developed by and with stakeholder input, including community members, the EGUSD Board of Education and more than 200 district teachers and staff. Approved by the Board of Education in February 2019, the specifications “reimagine” the district’s classroom, community, and outdoor spaces. Click on the link below to learn more.
(Please note: The full Education Specifications PDF is 256 pages | 50MB and will take some time to download.)